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Top 10 ways to know if you're a HardKoreDad

by HardKoreDad

#10. Your kids are more familiar with Metallica than Lady Gag me, I mean Gaga.
#9. You wear long sleeves to your office job to to hide the tattoos and not scare your boss.
#8. Musical chairs at your kids birthday party consists of music from Suicidal Tendencies, Pantera and System 
Of  A Down.
#7. Your 6 year old daughter can correctly identify or name the major components on your motorcycle.
#6. Your 6 year old daughter keeps asking you if you've changed the oil yet, in your motorcycle.
#5. You can't wait to take your kid(s) to their first Slayer concert.
#4. You taught your kid(s) how to throw devil horns out before they knew how to show someone how old they were on their fingers.
#3. Sons of Anarchy is a family television event.
#2. You're kid(s) want to be KISS, Slipknot or Marylin Manson characters for Halloween.
#1. You're kid(s) want to dress like KISS, Slipknot or Marylin Manson to school!
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