Demo Blog

Hardkore Balance

by HardKoreDad

With all the hoopla about some mothers having children via an anonymous sperm donor, where is the future of good old fashioned parenthood headed? I am a subscriber of, it takes two, a loving and committed Mom and Dad, to raise and give kids a great life base to build from and to put a kids life in perspective. The male side and the female side are infused in our kids brain as we raise them and they learn to hopefully understand the inner workings of a dynamic, intricate and sometimes delicate balance of a relationship between Mom and Dad. Day without night and night without day is a similar parallel that I compare it to. To disregard the other genders influence and importance can shift the balance, to a child's disadvantage. Ever meet a kid or adult that grew up with only one parent? In cases where the absence of one parent or the other is due to death or abandonment, the other parent left to raise the kids has no choice, but to do the best they can with what they got and I salute them, but the one's that make the choice to go it alone just because, to disregard the road ahead of the kids life and start them off imbalanced, NOT HARDKORE! Kids deserve the best from the start!
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