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HardKoreDad Fatherhood - Heaven or Hell?

by HardKoreDad

With my Son on the way this November I'm counting my blessing with what I have so far. I've got a smart and beautiful 6 year old Daughter in first grade and in great health, a beautiful Wife that's awesome, nice house in a good area, sweet Harley Davidson Roadglide and good income. What more could a guy ask for? Well, with a baby boy on the way, I can't help but think about how siblings usually differ. It's not so much just the subtle differences I'm referring to, it's those extreme examples I remember of friends and acquaintances I grew up with. When there was one good kid in the family there was always the hell-raising, misdirected, destined to be a loser, brother or sister that by design was always on self destruct mode, no matter how great, cool or strict their parents were. I know it's premature to be worried about it, but I can't get it out of the back of my mind. It stays in my head like an important chore or task around the house I selectively forget to do. As I approach my 40's soon, I have learned to cling to the old adages, by "not sweating the small stuff" and "worrying is a waste of time". I've gotten better as I've gotten, let's say more mature, instead of older, at applying time tested methods of dealing with life's little challenges. I guess If I didn't care so much about being a great Dad this worry would not worry me. I'll have to apply my own dose of advise I would give any other HardKoreDad...a quote from one of my favorite books, (How to Stop Worrying and Start Living), written by Dale Carngie. 
"The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven".
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