The Most Important Club You'll Ever Be a Member Of.
by HardKoreDad Fatherhood
Criminal Organizations such as, Mafia, Drug Cartels, Street Gangs, 1% er Mortorcycle Clubs, Outlaws and any derivatives of these members that swear allegiance to their organization, blood in blood out type stuff, have one thing in common, all or most members had a Dad. Chances are Dad was a sh*#ty example, put the smack down on jr or could care less about how his kids were raised. In lots of cases Dad was an outlaw himself and laid the gound work for his childrens future to follow the same path. Of couse there's always exceptions to any rule. No matter which path you've chosen to live your life, if you're a Dad, your kids are watching your every move, good and bad. The kid(s) you've brought in to the world are in the club you started. How are you going to lead your organization big or small that has your name tied it? The family you created is the most important club you'll ever be a part of. No matter which path you've chosen in life, as a HardKoreDad your kids future and safety should be first and foremost above all else, even false allegiances. The next time you throw on your outlaw club colors remember what Groucho Marx said, "Any club that would have me, I don't wanna be a part of"...