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HardKoreDad, Connoisseur of Heavy Music!

by HardKoreDad

I'm always in search of music that really inspires me, especially in the Heavy Metal, Hardcore, Thrash or whatever you want to label it, arena. Inspiration keeps me in focus and on track for most things in life. Whether it's a crunchy unique machine gun riff of a guitar, blast beats of a double-bass, great bass line or a vocal style that peels paint off of walls I'm intrigued by the many heavy music styles there are, but still fall under one category, HEAVY MUSIC!
As a Dad, Husband, Metal fan, tattooed Biker and Corporate type, yeah I said corporate type, I like my personal life to balance my professional life. Work is work. Work smart and hard and play even harder. I work with suit and tie types, Attorneys, Engineers and High-Level Managers, with a crap-load of schooling and I, with a 2yr Community College Degree, work on same level with them as a Project Manager. It happened by chance. It's another story for another time. Metal concerts and bike rides are things I love to do  but, nothing compares to the genuine fulfilling times spent with my Wife and Daughter(6yrs). I got a Son on the way in about 3 months too. The key here is BALANCE! If you're a HardKoreDad, find balance in your life. It can't all be about one thing. It doesn't matter what it is, orchid growing, preparing exotic dishes with fishes or learning to square dance, find the balance that helps you be an awesome HardKoreDad. Good luck!
By the way since I started this post with music in mind, I'd like to give my vote for best heavy music of all time. These bands, to me represent true passion, fire, creativity and inspiration:
  • METALLICA - American Metal at it's finest. These are my generations Beatles! They hit a weird period in the mid to late nineties, but persevered and came out of it better than ever. James Hetfield/DAD!
  •  PANTERA - 100 proof American Metal. Always true, always metal! Rest in peace Dimebag!
  • OPETH - Some of the most scary, heavy, yet beautifully crafted heavy music I've ever heard. I've heard them called the Moody Blues of Death Metal...
  • SLAYER - Hell plays Slayer music 24/7! Evil looks to Slayer to get ideas. Tom Araya/DAD 
  • MEGADETH - Technical bliss! Mustaine's a true heavy guitar mathematician.
  • CRADLE OF FILTH - Any band that gets inpiration from H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe is okay in my book. Dani Filth sings like a witch being burned at the stake. I love it!
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