Demo Blog

The Best HardKoreDad I Never Met.

by HardKoreDad

The best HardKoreDad I never met, walks the walk and talks the talk. None of us Dads are perfect and probably will never be, but it doesn't matter. YOU don't have to be perfect in your eyes. Your kids love and trust you unconditionally and it doesn't take much for them to believe you're the best there is. The best HardKoreDad possesses some of the following traits. (Feel free to comment and add more!)
  • Helps with homework and shows interest.
  • Feeds the kid(s) when their hungry and has fun doing it, (even if it is fast or microwave food!)
  • Reads to their kids. My daughter is like me and the scarier the story, the better!
  • Fixes their toys, (stuffed animals, skateboards, bikes and even cars).
  • EVERYDAY, hugs and tells their kid(s) you love them.
  • Teaches them things. Kids seem to be ripe for being taught things like chores, responsibilities, manners and games at about 4-6.
  • Expose them to your love of Rock, Metal or Blues! I remember the first time I heard KISS on the radio. I was 6 or 7 years old, 1977 and that same year my Stepfather bought me the KISS Alive II Album for Christmas. That's HardKore!
  • Share your hobbies or interests with them. Who knows, they may want to take up that same interest and want to do it with you. 
 Good luck in fine tuning you HardKoreDad skills or if you're just getting started, having some idea where to begin. I'd like to hear your ideas or comments. Thanks for reading.
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