No Denim, No Leather, No Pants, That's Hardkore!
by HardKoreDad Fatherhood
Fellow bikers and metalheads, I was out for a late Saturday afternoon ride to one of the local Motorcycle Clothing and Accessory shops in Calimesa CA, (Belts and Buckles). It was a humid hot day around the low 90's. Even though the humid heat made me second guess me getting out, I had the urge to get out for a couple of hours and just ride to mark my weekend. Upon my arrival, the usual handful of bikes were not there, probably because of Bike Week in Vegas. The store was empty, but nonetheless there was a couple of other bikers there too getting some patches sewn onto their leather and conversing with the store shop staff. Inside the store, I noticed this teenage boy around 16 or so, with a tank top, shorts and Vans. I couldn't stop wondering if he rode in with one of the two bikers that were in the store or if he was related to one of the shops workers and was just hanging around. The thought for me was, I hope he's not riding like that. I'm not the best leathered and myself don't rock the full spaceman helmet, but I do wear denim, leather boots, vest, long sleeves and a non-DOT skid lid. What the hell, if I really wanted to be 100% safe, I would have never bought a bike in the first place. I acknowledge the risk and have weighed the pros and cons of not protecting my flesh and bones in an accident. However; if my Son or Daughter were to ride with me, it would be mandatory they suit up appropriately. It definitely would be a do as I say, not as I do scenario. After being in the shop for about 45mins shopping and with the staff, I left with my purchases and packed them in one of my Roadglide hard cases. As I was prepping for my departure, that kid came out with his Dad and sure as hell, he was riding the way I described him, shorts and all. Miraculously the only sensible thing I noticed was, the kid had a full helmet. I did get a chance to chat with his Dad as we were both gearing up to hit the road again. I didn't want to come off as a busy body or risk the chance of the guy saying "F"-off or mind your own business, but I really wanted to ask the guy, what was he thinking, bringing his Son out on the road dressed for a beach party. We left at the same time and were headed the same way. We hit the freeway and I tailed them as if we were riding together for about 20 miles before we separated. I didn't realize it at the time, but I think I was riding close to them to create greater visibility and awareness to the drivers on the highway. I guess my HardKoreDad instinct kicked in. I felt like, if this guy isn't going t think too much about his kid, I will. I guess my point is, even though I couldn't prevent them from getting in an accident, my concern was for this guys kid. Being a HardKoreDad isn't just limited to your kid. We need to stand up for those that can't or will not speak up for themselves. Maybe just knowing someone else may be willing to speak up against injustices or shear idiocy towards kids will make someone think twice about what they let the public see. Thanks for reading!