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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, the HardKoreDad way!

by HardKoreDad

Yeah, I borrowed the famous book title  by Dale Carnegie and added my own flavor too! Worrying is a part of life especially as a parent. You are constantly worrying about money, bills, lack of time, illness, aging, vehicles breaking down, the list goes on and on. What has all the time spent worrying got you but ulcers, gray hair, high blood pressure, crappy coping habits or worse, cancer. It's true worrying and stress can cause some or all of the health issues above. What can you do to stop the your internal motor from breaking down? STOP STRESSING!!! I highly recommend picking yourself up a copy of Dale Carnegies book titled, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. I have never had anyone person tell me some stress coping strategies that I actually listened to, but when I find myself in predicaments or stressing on something, I crack that book open and it does some magic for me, but that's just what works for me. Here's some points and quotes contained in the book. Go get it. Your family will thank you!
  • Keep Busy. The worried person must lose himself in action, lest he wither in despair.
  • "Let's examine the record." Let's ask ourselves: "What are the chances , according to the law of averages, that this event that I am worrying about will ever occur?"
  • Don't try to saw sawdust.
  • Let's remember that the only way to find happiness is not to expect gratitude, but to give for the joy of giving.
  • Count your blessings - not your troubles!
  • Let's not imitate others. Let's find ourselves and be ourselves.
These are some of mine!!!
  • Watch funny movies
  • Crank your favorite Metal, Rock or Blues and jam on the air guitar.
  • Remember what your favorite toys, comic books or baseball cards were from childhood and get back into them.
  • Play a board game with your kid(s)!
  • Clean that dirty motorcycle of yours, go for a ride, preferably away from traffic and stop & have coffee.
Let me know some of yours. Good luck and thanks for reading!
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